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Agents of Deterioration

Examine the object – Is moving indoors even an option? Is it in imminent danger? Prepare a location and plan the move before taking any action. Monitor object – After the object is moved indoors, keep it in a secure location and monitor its condition. Without proper environmental controls, stone can dry out when stored indoors. Water stored within the stone’s interior will evaporate through the surface of the stone leaving residue from pollutants, biological agents, cleaning materials, or even salt growths. These may build up and permanently alter the stone. Mold may also develop from dirt and waste materials within the pores of the surface. Conserve object – Identify any growths or stains. Gently clean surface, preferably not a “wet” cleaning. Maintain relative humidity in storage to prevent excessive drying.

Indoor and Outdoor stone face different agents of deterioration. Indoor stone is most likely to face deterioration from poor storage, excessive handling, and display in exhibits. The type of damage depends on the agent of deterioration. Outdoor stone features and masonry are subject to man-made and natural agents of deterioration. Protecting outdoor stone is difficult, and when possible, stone should be stored in the controlled environment indoors. Like any environmental change, moving stone from outside to inside can cause damage. Reducing this damage is necessary, and requires a few steps to ensure a stable and lasting stone object.

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